Australian Organics Recycling Association

The Industry Association for Organics Recycling in Australia.

The Industry Association for Organics Recycling in Australia

AORA is a modern, proactive national association within the wider resource recovery and organics management industry.

Our vision is that recycling and reuse of organic materials within a circular economy is widely understood and supported by Australians.

AORA works with all stakeholders to facilitate an operating environment which maximises the recycling and reuse of organic materials, and promotes the benefits of compost, soil conditioners and mulches across the Australian community and business.



Vision 2031 - the AORA Roadmap for the Australian Recycling Organics Industry

The Vision poses two key questions;

  1. How do we get to 80% recycling organics by 2026 and 95% by 2031? and
  2. How do we remove the obstacles to growth?

This document is neither an academic study nor a technical analysis of organics recycling in Australia.   It has been designed to capture the practical knowledge and common sense of the industry and to show a clear and achievable path to significant growth.  

AORA is proudly supported by





Better Compost with Smart Bans Media Release

December 6, 2024

Without prompt action to ban select items from everyday use, these contaminants will continue to compromise compost quality, drive up...

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International Compost Alliance to celebrate World Soil Day

December 2, 2024

BRUSSELS, 5 December 2024 – The International Compost Alliance (ICA) is thrilled to announce its celebration of World Soil Day...

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The Terex Ecotec Phoenix 2100T Trommel from Finlay Waste & Recycling

November 28, 2024

Finlay Waste & Recycling, a leader in environmental processing equipment, offers the Phoenix 2100T, a tracked trommel model within the...

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