AORA has issued membership renewals for existing members for the 2024-25 year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Benefits for AORA Members;
- AORA is a not-for-profit, national industry peak body. Our span of interest and involvement within the Australian organics recycling industry covers the entire value chain; we are focused on all aspects of feed stock supply, the effective and efficient processing of these and the demand for and veracity of end-use final products.
- AORA has a well-established and highly regarded reputation within governments (Federal and State) and their associated agencies (e.g., EPA). This provides a halo effect for those organisations who wish to partner and associate with AORA. As a key industry stakeholder, AORA is sought out for consultation by government on regulatory and policy developments within our wide ambit of the Australian organics recycling industry.
- AORA is a founding member of the International Compost Alliance, communicating and collaborating with similar organisations from around the world to share our knowledge and to understand emerging issues.
- AORA produces The Economic Contribution of the Australian Organics Recycling Industry and the Australian Organics Recycling Industry Capacity Assessment reports on a biannual basis – both are valuable references and guides for those operating within the Australian organics recycling industry and are initially only available to AORA members.
- AORA maintains a close watching brief on issues with the potential to impact the Australian organics recycling industry including, but not limited to, PFAS and other forever chemical residues, microplastics, the rollout of FOGO across state and local government authorities, policy development around single-use items, etc. Members are kept informed with the latest regulatory, state, and federal industry knowledge and developments via regular state and monthly national e-newsletter.
- A voice within the AORA industry development program to advocate, support and lead positive change across policy, regulations, research & development, and standards and specifications relevant to the Australian organic sector.
- Linkages with allied industry suppliers and technical advisers provide members with access to industry-recognised experts, information, and developments across the entire organics recycling value chain, including direct access to equipment manufacturers and suppliers who have first-hand organics processing expertise
- AORA runs a highly successful annual conference every year, providing key insights into the current and future challenges (and solutions) facing the Australian organics recycling industry. AORA members receive discounts on tickets for the conference.
- Networking opportunities with other partners through workshops, field days, forums and webinars with member discounts on events, as well as member exclusive events.
- Annual subscription to Waste Management Review and Inside Waste (not for student or individual members)
- Use of the ‘Member of AORA’ logo
- End user specific events in each state, where processing members have the ability to showcase products and talk directly with end user markets
- Processing members have voting rights
- Processing members have a listing on the Find a Composter Directory
- Government members are provided with two annual contributions from AORA for community newsletters/ publications.