• International Compost Alliance

International Compost Alliance to celebrate World Soil Day

  • December 02, 2024

BRUSSELS, 5 December 2024 – The International Compost Alliance (ICA) is thrilled to announce its celebration of World Soil Day on the 5th of December, embracing the global theme for this year, ‘Caring for soils: measure, monitor, manage’, which stresses the importance of accurate soil data and information in understanding either: soils’ characteristics or soil characteristics and supporting informed decision-making on sustainable soil management for food security.


Key facts:

  • 95% of our food comes from soils.
  • 33% of soils are degraded world-wide.
  • It can take up to 1000 years to produce just 2-3 cm of soil.
  • Soils supply 15 of the 18 naturally occurring chemical elements essential to plants.
  • There are more living organisms in a tablespoon of soil than people on Earth.
  • Over the last 70 years, the level of vitamins and nutrients in food has drastically decreased.
  • Two billion people worldwide suffer from lack of micronutrients, known as hidden hunger.
  • Agricultural production will have to increase by 60% to meet the global food demand in 2050.
  • Up to 58% more food could be produced through sustainable soil management.
  • Up to half of our household waste could be composted to nurture our soil.


World Soil Day serves as a significant occasion to highlight the crucial role that soil, and water play in sustaining life on our planet. The ICA, along with its members spanning from New Zealand to Canada, is proud to participate in this celebration by hosting a series of enlightening webinars. These internet-based webinars are available globally and will focus on the vital role of compost in maintaining healthy soils, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and providing practical insights on minimizing contamination in compost.


Join us for a day of knowledge-sharing and discussions as we explore the profound relationship between soil and water, which is indeed the wellspring of life. The details of these webinars and events are outlined below, offering a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field and discover the latest advancements in composting and sustainable agriculture.


Webinars and events of the members of the International Compost Alliance (ICA)

on 5th December 2024


10 am Canada (EST) / 3 pm UK (UTC), Compost Council of Canada and REA

Title: Residual Compost Boosts Soil Health and Plant Stress Tolerance

A free webinar

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__gmr7NfWRxmguIzISPH1SA#/registration


11 am New Zealand (UTC-11), WasteMINZ

Title: Reclaiming Resources: Optimising Soil Reuse in Infrastructure and Development

Free for WasteMINZ members, $59+GST for non-members.

Registration and further info here:



2 pm Europe (CET; UTC+1), European Compost Network ECN

Title: Healthy Soils with Compost – The Benefits of Compost Use to Soil Organic Matter

A free webinar.

Registration and further info here:  https://www.compostnetwork.info/world-soil-day-2024-programme/


3 pm Canada (EST) / 8 pm UK (UTC), Compost Council of Canada and REA

Title: Direct evidence on the impact of organic amendments on carbon stabilization in soil microaggregates

A free webinar

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uMDqfPMHS3WjOjGfo6gdoA#/registration


10 am Milan, Italy (CET; UTC+1), Consorzio Italiano Compostatori

Title: World Soil Day event: From earth to the Earth – Soil between climate change and new lifestyles

An in-person event

Registration and further info: https://www.compost.it/news/giornata-mondiale-del-suolo-2024-8ed/



About the International Compost Alliance:



The International Compost Alliance envisions a world where the recycling of organic waste is maximized to produce high-quality compost and digestate, thereby nurturing healthy soils, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing food security, and contributing to the circular bioeconomy.



Our mission is to foster collaborative efforts to maximize organic waste recycling and advance the production of certified, high-quality compost for the benefit of the environment, society, and our members. In pursuit of this mission, the Alliance aims to:

  • Serve as a ‘think tank’ and platform for sharing knowledge and ideas among Alliance organizations.
  • Promote international evidence and information locally to members of Alliance organizations.
  • Communicate joint strategic messages that align with the interests of Alliance organizations and their members.
  • Advocate for the benefits of the organics recycling industry on a global scale, engaging with entities such as NGOs, United Nations organizations, and relevant policymakers.

The International Compost Alliance is committed to promoting sustainability and responsible environmental practices, and we are proud to contribute to World Soil Day’s mission of raising awareness about the vital importance of soil and water in sustaining life on Earth.


For further information and updates on the ICA’s World Soil Day webinars, please visit our website at www.internationalcompostalliance.org or contact your national organics recycling association.